Baystar Compact Steering System
The BayStar steering system consists of a super low friction helm for smooth comfortable steering, a balanced cylinder-featuring a compact design that fits most splashwells. For your convenience two lengths of 20' cut to fit tubing are supplies (2 x 20' length), two bottles of hydraulic steering fluid, and one fill tube for easy fill and purge.
BayStar is NOT recommended in applications with high steering effort (i.e. such as those using high performance engines or boats capable of attaining high speeds), customers should consider upgrading the system to SeaStar/SeaStar Pro steering . This will reduce the steering effort due to the fact that SeaStar steering provides more output power resulting in lower steering effort.
HK4200A-3 BayStar Compact Steering System - 20ft Nylon tube
Patented No FeedbackTM Steering Locking Valves.
5 turns lock to lock.
Up to 150 horsepower (total).
Available either as separate components or as a complete system ready to install.
Fixed cylinder.
BayStarTM hydraulic tubing cut to suit application kit HK4200A-3 or HK4230A-3
Requires 3" (76mm) cut-out hole in dash.
DO NOT use BayStar on smaller HP outboard engines that use wing nut type transom mount clamping screws.